Rhondda Cynon Taf Revised Local Development Plan 2022 - 2037 Preferred Strategy

Ended on the 17 April 2024

Section 3 – Issues

3.1 Introduction

3.1.1 An initial stage of the Revision of the LDP is to identify key issues, challenges and drivers facing RCT.

3.1.2 The identification of these for the RLDP was achieved through multiple stages and wide-reaching public engagement, consultation with the LDP Forum, the Housing Stakeholder group, the RCT Members Steering group and the Council's internal officer working group.

3.1.3 The integrated sustainability appraisal (ISA) also reconsidered the issues that were set out in the current LDP and reviewed these to see which were still relevant. Baseline data and evidence was interrogated to ascertain which issues from the current plan were still relevant whilst also to establish if there were any new issues which have arisen.

3.1.4 These Issues set out early in the plan making process what the RLDP should address. They then form the foundation for the preparation of the following stages of the Vision, Objectives, Preferred Strategy and its Strategic Policies.

3.1.5 The Issues, and how they were gathered, are listed in full in the Vision, Issues and Objectives paper (2023). A summary of the key Issues, including the challenges and drivers, is provided below, and are grouped into what is considered the most appropriate topic areas:

Housing Issues

  1. Housing for all: More affordable and private market housing is needed in RCT.
  2. Mix of housing for all. There is a need for a diverse range of housing sizes and types to be developed for all members of society, all ages and their individual needs.
  3. Sustainable buildings: More houses should be built with consideration of carbon neutral and carbon zero standards.
  4. Design of housing developments: New housing development should continue to improve their design for more cohesive future communities.
  5. Viability of housing: Financial viability to enable significant market led housing development is an issue in the north of RCT in particular. Delivery of new housing has not been as balanced as it should across all areas of RCT over recent years.
  6. Location of housing: Development should come forward in sustainable locations, on brownfield sites in the settlement boundary where possible.
  7. Housing and transport: There are some communities that have less access to active travel, public transport and highways infrastructure than others.
  8. Quality of housing: A large proportion of the housing stock in RCT is older, and investment in its upkeep should be continued.
  9. Empty properties: There are empty houses/properties across RCT that should be brought back into beneficial use.
  10. Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO): High numbers of HMO that exist in some communities should be appropriately managed.
  11. Housing and Welsh language: Housing development should support the Welsh language and not be a detriment to it.
  12. Gypsy and Traveller Community; There is a need to provide appropriate and sufficient housing for the Gypsy and Traveller community.

Economy and employment issues

  1. Employment: Some parts of the County Borough have higher levels of deprivation and unemployment.
  2. Increase employment: More employment is needed in RCT to keep improving and strengthening the economy.
  3. Location of employment: There is an imbalance in the scale of employment across RCT, particularly north to south and therefore employment throughout RCT is not as easily accessible to all.
  4. Diversification: More diversity and modernisation in the employment market would be welcomed.
  5. Employment estates; The building stock in some of the employment and industrial estates would benefit from modernisation or redevelopment.
  6. Employment and town centres: More employment opportunities are needed in town centres.
  7. Education: There are areas within RCT that have lower than national average levels of education attainment.

Transport infrastructure issues

  1. Reducing the need to travel; There is a need to reduce the need to travel, particularly through the location of new development.
  2. Public Transport: Some communities and areas in RCT are not as well served by public transport and active travel facilities as others. This may be type, frequency or integration between modes. These facilities should be encouraged and continue to be improved for all.
  3. Metro: The South Wales Metro is welcomed and should be supported through appropriate location of future development.
  4. Congestion and roads: There are areas of traffic congestion during peak times around RCT and should be addressed where possible.
  5. Connectivity and integration: There is generally less good transport connectivity between some areas within RCT, particularly when travelling east to west.
  6. Electric Vehicles: There is not enough electric vehicle charging infrastructure in RCT.

Health and wellbeing Issues

  1. Physical and mental health and wellbeing: When considered against national indicators, there are some poor levels of physical and mental health in RCT, and this worse in some areas than others.
  2. Healthcare provision: Primary healthcare provision needs to meet the demands of the growing population.
  3. Air quality and pollution: Some small areas of RCT have pockets of poor air quality.
  4. Access to open/green space, outdoors and physical activity: Some parts of RCT have less accessible open and green spaces than others.
  5. Crime and safety: As with all areas, RCT has issues with crime, and where possible, developments should seek to design out potential for crime.

Natural environment issues

  1. Green Infrastructure, green and open spaces: There is a need to protect, enhance and provide further green and blue infrastructure. More good quality, accessible open and green spaces in RCT is needed in places.
  2. Ecology and biodiversity: There is a need to protect and enhance biodiversity features and natural assets, particularly in line with the nature emergency that has been declared at the national level.
  3. Landscape: Sensitive landscapes across RCT should continue to be protected and also give consideration to the Brecon Beacons National Park.

Climate change issues

  1. Renewable energy: Further sustainable and appropriate renewable energy development schemes are needed.
  2. Flooding: Flooding and its impacts must continue to be managed in RCT.
  3. Green Infrastructure and carbon storage: There is a need to preserve and enhance green infrastructure and all suitable natural assets that can help to address climate change.
  4. Sustainable/ Carbon neutral design: Developments should be designed in a more sustainable and carbon considerate way.
  5. Wildfires: Managing wildfire risk is important for safety, the environment and for health and well-being

Waste Issues

  1. Recycling and reuse: There is a need to continue to encourage and improve positive recycling rates and reduce the generation of all waste.
  2. Waste collection: There is a need to ensure developments are designed with waste collections in mind.
  3. Circular economy: More consideration and support is needed for the circular economy.
  4. Fly tipping: fly tipping is an issue in RCT.

    There is a need to ensure physical and chemical protection of the natural environment.

Minerals issues

  1. Extraction: There should not be more coal extraction in RCT.
  2. Quarry aggregate extraction in RCT should be appropriate and necessary.
  3. Mining legacy: there is a need to address the mining legacy and its impacts.

Culture, heritage and Welsh language issues

  1. Listed Buildings, conservation, and heritage: Listed buildings, conservation areas and heritage assets should be preserved and enhanced for multiple benefits.
  2. Welsh language: There is a need to protect, support and encourage the Welsh language
  3. Education: Improvement of educational attainment must be continued.
  4. Education: School capacity must continue to grow to meet the growing need in some areas of RCT.
  5. The arts: the arts should be further supported.
  6. Community activities: There is a need to improve community cohesion and create strong communities.

Community infrastructure issues

  1. Health: Primary healthcare provision needs to meet the demands of the growing population.
  2. Access to Services and facilities: There are some communities that have less accessible services and facilities than others, which should be taken into account when proposing new housing.

Tourism and leisure Issues

  1. Tourism: There is a need to build on recent tourism successes in RCT, to further help support the economy.
  2. Tourist accommodation: Further suitable accommodation is needed for growth in the Tourism sector.
  3. Promotion of Tourism and extended visits: Ways should be sought to encourage visitors to stay longer in RCT. This may include promotion of our cultural, heritage and natural assets.
  4. Promotion and support of businesses: More promotion and support for tourism and its businesses in RCT is welcomed.
  5. Leisure facilities: leisure uses and facilities need to continue to be supported.

Town centres and retail issues

  1. Town centres: The role of town centres needs to change. The mix of uses needs to change and a flexible approach needs to be taken for future prosperity.
  2. Housing in Town Centres: Housing in town centres should be supported although it needs to be appropriate and suitable.
  3. Investment in town centres: continued investment in town centres is needed to maintain future viability.

Coal mining legacy Issues

  1. Tip safety: there is a need to address tip safety.
  2. Reclamation: The barriers to reclamation need to be addressed.
  3. Ecology and biodiversity: The high ecology and biodiversity value of mining legacy sites needs to be recognised and effectively considered and integrated into development proposals, tip safety and management delivery.
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