Rhondda Cynon Taf Revised Local Development Plan 2022 - 2037 Preferred Strategy

Ended on the 17 April 2024

Section 4 – The Vision and Objectives


4.1.1 A Vision and a set of supporting Objectives have been formulated for the RLDP to ensure that the plan addresses the key Issues that have been identified. It sets out the purpose of the plan and how it is intended that RCT will change and develop over the plan period to 2037. The Vision and Objectives are interlinked and should be considered together.

4.1.2 The Vision accords with relevant national, regional and local strategies and policies. The Council's Corporate Plan and Well-being Plan have directly informed the Vision of the RLDP, alongside the Issues identified. This is to ensure that there is synergy and consistency between all three documents, which are striving for the same overall outcome for RCT.

4.1.3 The consistent themes that have emerged from the above include climate change, health, cohesive communities and the importance of the environment and green space. The Vision has been formulated on this basis.

4.1.4 Rhondda Cynon Taf is a very distinctive place with a rich history, culture, important wildlife, beautiful landscapes and friendly communities. What is also distinctive about RCT is the differences between places. The previous LDP started the work of recognising and addressing these differences, and building on the strengths. This RLDP will continue this good work and build on the successes it has seen.


4.1.5 The Vision by 2037 is for a more resilient and sustainable RCT:

An area of sustainable, cohesive communities who are healthy, well connected and who have equal access to high quality homes, jobs, services and facilities.

An area more resilient and considerate to the challenges of climate change with protected and enhanced biodiversity and green spaces and a well-connected sustainable transport system.

An area with a diverse and healthy economy, supported by vibrant and viable town centres and a flourishing tourism sector. An RCT that celebrates its heritage and is resilient for the future.

4.1.6 The Vision will be delivered through the Plan's Objectives, which are set out in the next section.

RLDP Objectives

4.1.7 Clear Objectives need to be prepared at the outset of the Revised LDP. They set out in detail the wider intentions of the Vision of the RLDP. These Objectives will be monitored throughout the plan period, which will ultimately indicate if the RLDP has been delivered successfully.

4.1.8 Objectives have been formulated from the Vision and heavily informed by the breadth of Issues that are shown in the previous section. Further detail of how the Issues and Vision have informed the preparation of the Objectives can be seen in the Vision, Issues and Objectives Paper.

4.1.9 Further, specific Objectives were identified for the Integrated Sustainable Appraisal process, which also reflect national, regional and local policies, strategies and plans, including the Cwm Taf Morgannwg Well Being Plan.

4.1.10 It has been determined that the 15 ISA Objectives identified are fully appropriate to be taken forward as overall RLDP Objectives, as they fully align with our Vision and identified Issues. There are then a further 3 Objectives identified that would not be part of the ISA process, that are considered necessary for the RLDP to achieve.

4.1.11 Therefore, in order to support the delivery of the RLDP and its Vision, 18 specific Objectives have been identified and are listed below.

4.1.12 Under each specific objective, associated aims have been included to provide some information on the kinds of areas within the topic, which could be used to form the basis of detailed policies, as the plan preparation moves forward to the deposit draft.

Objective 1: Mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change and reduce flood risk

Associated aims and objectives

  • To support the increase in electric vehicle infrastructure.
  • Locate development in sustainable locations.
  • Ensure that employment locations are accessible to all.
  • To protect, enhance and improve access to areas of good quality greenspace and open space in RCT.
  • Protect, enhance and provide further green and blue infrastructure assets and networks for their multi-functional roles.
  • Continue to manage our natural assets in RCT in a more cohesive way, seeking to also identify multifaceted benefits from this.
  • Increase the production and supply of renewable energy and where possible reduce carbon generating energy consumption.
  • To reduce the impacts of flooding and ensure development and communities are not put at risk of flooding.
  • Continue to identify, manage, protect and enhance green infrastructure and other natural assets, seeking to identify benefits such as helping to address climate change.
  • To promote and where appropriate require sustainable/carbon net zero design throughout RCT.
  • Conserve and enhance our biodiversity rich landscapes to maximise habitat and species resilience to future climate change.

Objective 2: Provide an appropriate amount and mix of housing to meet local needs

Associated aims and objectives

  • To provide diversity in the housing market through the delivery of a range of house types and sizes catering for the needs of all communities in RCT.
  • Increase the amount of good quality housing that is affordable across both social and private markets.
  • To provide viable housing sites in RCT and to encourage the delivery of brownfield development.
  • Reduce the amount of empty properties in RCT and bring them back into use for several beneficial reasons.
  • Increase the amount of new housing that is built to a sustainable/carbon net zero standard and to retro fit the existing stock where possible.
  • Appropriately manage Houses in Multiple Occupation and their impacts.
  • To achieve a high standard of design and placemaking in developments.
  • To seek to identify suitable sites for new housing development in all parts of RCT to allow for housing need and opportunities for all.
  • Provide for the housing needs of an aging population in both new build and within existing housing stock.
  • To provide high-quality homes.
  • The need to provide appropriate and sufficient housing for Gypsy and Traveller communities.

Objective 3: Promote vibrant communities, with opportunities for living, working and socialising for all

Associated aims and objectives

  • To provide appropriate, accessible, and adequate services and facilities to existing and growing communities of RCT.
  • Promote integrated communities, with opportunities for living, working and socialising for all.
  • Identify a suitable hierarchy of all retail centres, which provides services and facilities at a regional, local and neighbourhood level.
  • Seek to support education and training in RCT where possible.
  • To achieve high quality new and redeveloped employment sites.
  • Improve infrastructure in RCT and reduce congestion.
  • Improve the levels of education and training in RCT.
  • Ensure there are sufficient school places where populations and school place demand is evolving, particularly where new development occurs.
  • To achieve a high standard of design for all developments and their occupiers.

Objective 4: Encourage healthy and safe lifestyles that promote well-being and improve overall health levels in RCT.

Associated aims and objectives

  • Support the provision of sufficient healthcare and facilities, with access to them.
  • To protect, enhance and improve access to areas of good quality greenspace and open space in RCT. This can contribute to improved physical and mental health and well-being of residents across RCT.
  • Seek opportunities to tackle crime through planning in RCT, to ensure that people living, working and visiting feel safe.
  • Protect, enhance and provide further green and blue infrastructure assets and networks for their multi-functional roles.
  • Continue to manage, protect and enhance green infrastructure and other natural assets, seeking to identify benefits such as enhancing nature and helping to address climate change.

Objective 5: Reduce the need to travel and promote more sustainable modes of transport

Associated aims and objectives

  • To locate development in sustainable locations that have good access to a range of sustainable modes of transport.
  • Improve the public/sustainable transport network in terms of quality, location and cost.
  • To improve the frequency of public transport and the connectivity of different modes to allow a more holistic public transport network.
  • Support the objectives and delivery of the South Wales Metro.
  • Improve the connectivity of public transport in RCT between different areas and different modes.
  • Improve the active travel network and encourage its use for all.

Objective 6: Promote, protect and enhance cultural heritage and the built environment.

Associates aims and objectives

  • To protect, conserve, promote and enhance the historic environment (listed buildings, conservation areas and heritage assets) as a resource for the general well-being of present and future generations.
  • Seek to develop opportunities to extend the heritage-based tourism industry in RCT.
  • Support the arts culture and associated heritage of RCT.

Objective 7: Promote the use of the Welsh language

Associated aims and objectives

  • To support a thriving Welsh language in association with the identification of locations of development.
  • Support and establish the conditions in RCT, which allow the Welsh language to thrive.

Objective 8: Protect and enhance the quality and character of the landscape

Associated aims and objectives

  • To protect and enhance our unique landscapes that may be sensitive to development pressures.

Objective 9: Protect and enhance biodiversity

Associated aims and objectives

  • To protect and enhance biodiversity and ecological features from inappropriate development and its associated effects.
  • Recognise the ecology and biodiversity in areas of mining legacy.
  • Recognise the unique role the rich resource of semi-natural habitat and species diversity in RCT provides as assets for the well-being of RCT residents.
  • Actively recognise, manage and conserve the unique ecology and biodiversity of our mining legacy, effectively integrating this with tip safety and maintenance requirements.

Objective 10: Protect the quality and quantity of RCT's water resources

Associated aims and objectives

  • Protect, enhance and provide further green and blue infrastructure assets and networks for their multi-functional roles.
  • Improve the water environment and seek to address the negative effects upon it.

Objective 11: Protect and enhance air quality and ensure appropriate soundscapes

Associated aims and objectives

  • Seek to improve air quality across the County Borough.
  • Seek to improve soundscapes across the County Borough.

Objective 12: Promote the efficient use of land, soils and minerals

Associated aims and objectives

  • Encourage the delivery of brownfield development.
  • Better manage our natural assets in RCT in a more cohesive way, which identifies and delivers multifaceted, but mutually supporting benefits.
  • Ensure all quarry extraction is appropriate, necessary and in accordance with all standards and conditions.
  • Promote the efficient and appropriate use of minerals, including the safeguarding of resources and ensuring that adequate reserves are allocated to meet local, regional and national needs.
  • Encourage the recycling and re-use of aggregates and building materials, where possible.

Objective 13: Continue to minimise waste generation and promote more sustainable waste management

Associated aims and objectives

  • Continue to encourage, support and improve recycling in RCT, whilst supporting the overall reduction of waste.
  • Ensure that new housing estate of all sizes are appropriately designed to allow for larger vehicles to access them, particularly for the collection of waste.
  • Ensure that all residual waste that cannot be recycled is disposed of in a sustainable manner that does not create any pollution.
  • Support the circular economy to ensure that built assets, materials, products and components are re-used and remain in use for as long as possible.

Objective 14: Provide for a sustainable economy

Associated aims and objectives

  • To decrease the levels of deprivation in RCT and to seek to support employment opportunities.
  • Address the impact of the coronavirus in RCT.
  • To provide for a sustainable economy.
  • Seek to develop opportunities to extend the heritage-based tourism industry in RCT.

Objective 15: Provide for a diverse range of job opportunities

Associated aims and objectives

  • To support existing employment sites across RCT and seek to regenerate the older and derelict stock on sites. To allocate new employment opportunities in appropriate locations.
  • Provide a diverse range of job opportunities.
  • Increase the amount of job opportunities in RCT.
  • Increase the amount of employment opportunities in town centre locations.

Objective 16: Promote vibrant, adaptable and resilient Town Centres

Associated aims and objectives

  • Support and encourage an appropriate changing role and diversification of the town or commercial centres and provide the flexibility for them to adapt to change.
  • Provide appropriate housing in town centre locations at the right scale that should increase the vitality of the town centres.
  • Continue to provide sufficient and appropriate infrastructure in town centres, including the linking of all transport, public transport and active travel modes
  • To create an appropriate retail hierarchy, which provides services and facilities at a regional, local and neighbourhood level.
  • To increase the amount of employment opportunities in town centre locations.

Objective 17: Address the impacts of the mining legacy in RCT

Associated aims and objectives

  • Appropriately address the risk associated with tips from coal and other mining.
  • Seek to identify options to redevelop brownfield sites that are affected by our mining legacy, both on and below the ground.
  • Ensure there is appropriate reclamation of mining legacy sites.
  • Recognise the ecology and biodiversity in areas of mining legacy.

Objective 18: To support the growth of the tourism and leisure sector

Associated aims and objectives

  • To help support the provision of suitable accommodation for the tourism sector.
  • To support the growth of tourism and associated opportunities in RCT.
  • To support the growth of eco/green tourism in RCT.
  • To improve tourism facilities and associated infrastructure and accessibility for everyone.
  • To support the leisure sector and it's evolving needs and development.
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